Been A While

I know that I haven’t been around in a long time.  I hope that, that changes soon.  Things have just been getting worse all the time.  There have been some really scary days and months since I was last here.  I am trying really, really hard to find myself and stay positive, but it has been a great challenge.  I think that things might be about to change for me.  I feel like, for the first time in a long time that there might be some brightness in my future.  I feel like one day soon I will be able to continue my path of self discovery without feeling shame or revulsion.  I hope one day there will be complete acceptance for everyone no matter what truth calls to them.  I have recently made some very significant changes in my life and I feel better than I have in quite some time.  There are good days and there are days where I get really sad.  There are moments when I feel completely and utterly alone.  There are times when I feel like there is no one left to reach out to.  It’s a rough place to live.  I long for a brighter day, for me and for you.  

Until that day, 

Love Always, 


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